GSSSB Exam Syllabus includes various subjects. Candidates who are preparing for the Sachivalaya Clerk Exam should have proper knowledge regarding Gujarat History, Gujarat Grammar, English, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Knowledge, and Awareness about Indian Constitution.
- Gujarat History.
- Gujarati Grammar.
- English Grammar.
- Quantitative Aptitude.
- Computer Knowledge.
- Indian Constitution.
GSSSB Office Assistant Exam Pattern
Gujarat Sachivalaya Bin Clerk Exam is conducted for 200 marks. There will be six sections for this Exam. Each section differs with different scores. The time duration for the exam is 2 hours. For complete information, you can check the following table.
GSSSB Syllabus & Exam Pattern
So don’t waste your time and start the preparation as soon as possible.

GSSSB Office Assistant Question Papers – Gujarati
Gujarat SSSB Last Year Question Papers – General Studies
GSSSB Bin Sachivalaya Clerk Previous Papers – Computer Test
Check the Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Clerk Office Assistant Exam. The Syllabus given here is based on the official notification. Candidates who are waiting for the GSSSB Syllabus can get the complete information at our site. General Aptitude and Technical knowledge is a must for this Written Exam. The Exam is totally conducted for 200 marks. The time duration for the Exam is 120 minutes.